How Soul Health Transforms Leadership with Pam Buchanan


In this episode of Evolve: A New Era of Leadership, I’m joined by Pam Buchanan, the founder of Quantum Sense, to explore the concept of “soul health” and its relevance in the corporate world.

Pam Buchanan

Pam has had a remarkable 40-year career in corporate America, working in the financial and tech sectors, including serving as a director at NASDAQ. She was deeply involved in taking major companies like Tesla and Facebook public and had a front-row seat to some of the world’s most innovative minds. Now, Pam is applying the lessons she learned in corporate leadership to a new focus: soul health.

Pam has developed programs tailored for companies that are proven to enhance employee well-being, reduce anxiety, and boost creativity, ultimately fostering a more satisfying work-life balance. Pam explores how intentionally engaging your senses to make decisions about your environment can be used to benefit the soul from the outside in.

Pam introduces us to Quantum Sense, where she is bridging corporate experience with soulful innovation. She talks about how our society has focused heavily on the physical and mental aspects of health, often neglecting the soul. Pam believes that understanding and nurturing our soul is the next frontier in both personal and organizational development.


🔑 Key Themes & Takeaways:

  • Corporate Leadership & Soul Health: Pam reflects on her experiences in Silicon Valley and corporate America and how it shaped her understanding of leadership that integrates the soul. 🧠 
  • Transitioning from 3D to 5D Living: The discussion dives into moving beyond a purely physical and mental understanding of life to embrace a more energetic, soul-centered approach. 🌟 
  • The Intersection of Ego and Essence: We discuss how ego and soul often compete for dominance and how developing awareness of both is essential for evolving as a leader. 🧘‍♀️ 
  • Trusting Intuition Over Logic: Pam emphasizes the importance of tuning into your “knowing” rather than solely relying on the mind’s logical processes in decision-making. 🌿 
  • Implementing Soul Health in Organizations: Pam candidly shares the challenges and opportunities she faces in bringing the concept of soul health to the corporate world, where skepticism still exists. 🌍

We talk about:

  • 00:00 Intro
  • 07:24 Transition to Soul Health
  • 10:37 Founding QuantumSense
  • 16:15 Understanding Soul Health
  • 21:01 Living in a 5D World
  • 27:50 Polyvagal Theory and Cellular Intelligence
  • 30:42 Anticipating a Soul-Driven Future
  • 33:14 Challenges of Introducing Soul Health in Corporations
  • 40:19 Personal Routines for Grounding and Connection
  • 42:22 Final Thoughts

#SoulHealth #Leadership #CorporateWellness #QuantumSense #5DLiving

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[00:00:00] Carolyn: Welcome to evolve a new era of leadership. I’m your host, Carolyn Swora. And today we are going to be diving into a topic. It’s a little bit different. We’re going to be diving into the topic of soul health. our guest today is Pam Buchanan and Pam comes from a Very extensive background working in a sector that has long valued innovation and creativity and frankly, a lot of Dominance.

Pam has worked in corporate America. as a director in NASDAQ, she worked with some really big tech Titans. I’m going to ask her about that. And so I’m really curious. How this experience in corporate America has taught her and how that has led to her work now in soul health.

She is the founder of an organization called quantum sense and quantum sense is really, she’s trying to make an intersection of this corporate prowess and soulful innovation. I’m really excited to have this conversation because I honestly don’t have any idea where it’s going to go, but I’m really looking forward to it. Hello, evolve listeners. We’ve got another fabulous episode coming to you. And our guest this week is Pam Buchanan, Pam, welcome to the show. 

[00:01:32] Pam: Great to be here. Thank you for having me. 

[00:01:34] Carolyn: Well, I know we’ve had a short five minute, maybe 10 minute connection.

Now we’ve already determined like we could talk for hours, which we’re not going to do here, but I’m so excited. And I think I shared with you, there was a term that was Shared in your profile called soul health. 

[00:01:53] Pam: Yes. 

[00:01:54] Carolyn: And you had me at soul health, Pam. now, before we go there, that’s sort of a little bit of a teaser for the audience before we talk about this, concept of soul health, can you just share a little bit about your journey?

I know you’ve had an extensive journey in the tech and financial industries, which. have been very influential in determining leadership and culture and all of that. 

[00:02:18] Pam: Well, Iwas blessed to have a 40 year career in corporate America and dealt with the financial world in terms of assets, mutual funds Predominantly male world because I started in the 80s and then, you know, I got burnt out with that career cause I traveled extensively, millions of miles and meeting with my clients, which I enjoyed very much.

And so I leftpeople were like, you can’t leave a successful career. where you’re making some good money and you’re well known. And I said, there’s something bigger out there for me and I’m burnt out, And that was back in the early two thousands I took a year off.

And headhunters would call and one called with a opportunity to work with NASDAQ stock marketbringing companies public, which was very exciting. And I was, again, felt very blessed to have that opportunity and moved out to California and worked with the Silicon Valleygurus, entrepreneurs, I tell people I literally lived the future.

And it was an amazing journey 

[00:03:22] Carolyn: and you worked like with some pretty big names. Oh, I’ll be familiar with Tesla. 

[00:03:29] Pam: I took public, I’ve known Elon for a long time. You know, I was always at the beginning of the journey with Tesla. These entrepreneurs. You know, the Elon Musk that you see today or the Tesla you see today was just in its infancy stage and creation.

And the same with Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook, it was literally at the very beginning of their, Idea, if you will, you know, and gathering monies and ideas and, evolving and pivoting. And so I feel I got a front row seat to these brilliant minds that were, willing to take the risk.

And that’s what I talk about too. You’ve got to be willing to take the risk to do something new, even if The crowd is not behind you. If you really believe it again, you know, to a certain extent, the entrepreneur is soul driven, although the ego is a much bigger part of that typically, but hope that is changing a little bit, but at the end of the day, there’s something in their soul that says, I have to give.

Back to humanity, something bigger. And in fact, when I got to Silicon Valley you know, Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook had just gotten there as well. And Bill Gates and Microsoft said, Oh, this kid might have something. I mean, the kid’s 25 years old, right? You know, and again, the younger you are, the more willing you are to take a risk.

And, Microsoft offered them a billion dollars and this is an 2005. And I thought, wow, he’s passing up a billion dollars, you know, like that’s a lot of money. And he had his himself grounded in the belief that he could build something bigger on his own.

And he did. Yeah. 

[00:05:15] Carolyn: So Pam, you’ve, worked with some very strong leaders. Yes, I’m curious. What skill set? Did you rely on in your leadership to help you be successful with leaders like them? 

[00:05:31] Pam: I think that I came in with an eagerness to learn and listen to them. Right. I didn’t come in with my own agenda.

I came in saying I’m here to listen and to match our resources. And that was Nasdaq’s resources, my time and build a community, be a part of your community. So it’s all about community building. So when you take a company public, you have the investment bankers, you have their legal counsel, you have their accountants.

[00:06:02] Carolyn: So we all knew each other. And formed a community and help them with the assets that we each individually had, you know, continue to build and watch them grow. And, you know, whether the exit ended up being public, sometimes it didn’t. Sometimes it was an acquisition. Sometimes they remain public, but still I had the opportunity to sit, you know, again, front row seat and really listen and, I’m an energetic Feelers so I can feel the energy but see that energy and developing a new world in front of me, so I think you left Nasdaq around 2020 I’m guessing that was around the time our world got up and yes, and so what made you leave and what are you doing now? 

[00:06:45] Pam: I’ve been there 15 years and the burnout, comes along with it. I want to, here I am later in my career.

It’s been 40 years. I have a lot that I’ve learned and I want to take In a different direction because I’ve always studied, if you will, since the 80s, the spirituality aspects of the world. So when let’s call it Deepak Chopra came out, he came out whether it is the early 90s.

So I’ve been a student of that. And really, my colleagues would say, Pam, how do you know certain things? And I’m like, I just have a knowing. So there’s a difference between knowing and thinking. So if an executive can take himself or herself and say my mind is saying one thing, but my knowing, which is your soul’s knowing is saying another.

So always go with your knowing because the brain can involve the ego part of that, Sometimes the knowing may not make sense to most people, right? So let’s say an executive said, you know what? We’re going to go in this direction. And the team is like, That’s odd. Over here, our calculations say this will be, let’s say, make the most profit.

He’s going this direction, but a leader with vision then will be followed, right? And so if you, the leader is grounded in his belief in knowing. He can really take the team and then create that knowing and, become profitable at the end of the day. But that’s also, you know, that whole dynamic is changing.

And when I came back to the Midwest, I did also work for Nasdaq in the Midwest and the way that the Midwest viewed entrepreneurs and how the accounting was done versus Silicon Valley was night and day. Really night and day. You know, when the Facebook’s and the revenue models all came out, it’s like, huh, they don’t have revenue.

How could they value themselves at, you know, let’s call it hundreds of millions of dollars or billions of dollars. And so the accounting principles were slightly different. And I was on boards that would promote, let’s call it, you know, the new entrepreneurs coming on board and some were in technology versus the manufacturing sector, which is so strong here in the Midwest.

And let’s say my colleagues would say, Oh, this Person, this company over here is making the revenue and look at the, you know, the assets they have versus this tech company over here, you know, they may not make it, how is the revenue being accounted for? And I’d say, believe me, this tech company over here is going succeed over this manufacturing company.

[00:09:37] Carolyn: And again, it was just a paradigm shift, a little paradigm shift, and even the financial side of things. So you have a new company now that you’ve started, right? Yes, I am. QuantumSense. 

[00:09:50] Pam: QuantumSense. And it’s about your soul health. And it’s about programs for corporate employees.

And we talk about, okay, and soul. Corporations have programs for your body, right? Exercise programs. Those have been in place for years and years. They give gym memberships. They encourage you to go work out, be outside, lead an active life. Some even have gyms in their own building. And then the mind is finally the mental.

illnesses now are coming to the forefront and, you know, mental health days are very popular and the insurance companies now include mental health and, you know, they’re packages and so that is coming to the forefront. But does anyone talk about the soul? No. And when I first started talking about the soul, people thought it was the religion.

It’s not the religion. It is a part of your being. So I say the human being is comprised of three things. And how well do you know each of those three things, body, mind, and soul? 

[00:10:57] Carolyn: Right, right. It’s Oh, it’s so beautiful. You know, I don’t, I haven’t used the word soul in my work per se. But in essence, that’s what I’m getting like to.

And I think one thing that I will, I think we’re saying the same thing, but I just want to clarify it for everybody listening. When you say our organizations have paid attention to our body, I will agree with you in that. Our physical body, we paid attention to, to me, the soul is a big part of our body.

And I’ll speak on my own journey, which I think represents a lot of folks. I completely separated this beautiful head of mine and thought that all of my wisdom came from here. And I shut off all access to anything in my body, which like I said, is where I believe. You know, a big piece of our soul resides and enter this notion of embodiment and Soma and like somatic knowing.

I think that’s a gateway to our soul as well. 

[00:11:58] Pam: Absolutely. And, you know, the body is the, as you said, it’s physical. and then I call it cellular body at full level. So that’s what is going to be the new paradigm is the cellular health, the soul health. So yes, our body is made up of those three I don’t know what to call him, but humanness, that makes us human, a full body, right?

Like we’ve not been living in our full body because our society has been built in the old paradigm, which has been focused on the physical is very dense. So that’s a 3d, you know, we’ve been living in the 3d world. And I even go into the energetic being. Which is the 5d realm that we’re now all entering so that can get a little deeper if you will, but that is, you know, where we’re headed.

So the body will become lighter and it’s love based. There’s only two emotions that we live by fear and love. Everything else falls under those, right? Fear is anger, hate, love is beauty and you know, happiness and joy and all of that. So if you can, again, I try to make it simple so that people can then every moment of every day, okay, did that come out of my fear, ego base, or did that come out of my love, soul based.

Because again, we were all grown up in this system that created our world that we’re living today and it is changing and will be changed by 2060. 

[00:13:33] Carolyn: well, I hope I’m still around by 2016. I 

[00:13:36] Pam: do 

[00:13:37] Carolyn: too. It’s certainly a possibility. 

[00:13:39] Pam: when I say that, I mean, that it will be completed by that time.

But it. You know, there’s pivotal times coming up 2027in the 2040s, so there’s a lot of pivotal times that will come up, but we definitely are on the tip of the iceberg, if you will, in terms of living through our whole being, because obviously we’re physical structures, you know, we do, you know, if you’re not, taking care of your physical health.

that is important. But we have all the resources to do that. Now, we’ve been studying that and I call it organ health. your physical organ health, your heart, your lungs. And why was that? Studied is because you can physically see those, right? You can touch those right now.

Mental health has been stayed away from because it is so confusing, you know, and I talk about, and I say my. 40 year career was really taking the invisible to the visible. And that’s what I’m doing today is I’m taking the invisible to the visible. So your soul, people have different definitions of, they can’t really see it, touch it, feel it.

You know, now that mental health is being more focused on and you can kind of visually see certain things that’s helping usBut believe in the energy if we all believe we’re energetic beings, which that’s my belief and that we’re all, you know, from the same light, if you will you know, it puts us on an even playing field.

[00:15:07] Carolyn: Yeah, 

when you see the soul, you don’t see the physical body. So I can people at the soul level. So I’m trying to teach that a person can walk into a room and see souls, not different colors or genders or that sort of thing. Pam, you said a few things in there. I want to ask more about, but before I do that, how do you define soul health?

[00:15:32] Pam: So soul health is about your essence of your true self. So the soul is literally an energetic essence of You’re being, and we all came in with a soul mission, if you will and we all came in with that love, right? So soul health is about living through the soul. Simply said, it’s living through the soul.

Okay. What does that mean? And that means asking those questions. Is this a fear based reaction? Or is this a love based reaction? is this energetic, you know, feeling I’m getting just here I am in a room full of people that look perfectly normal, but yet the energy I’m feeling from it doesn’t feel good.

Should I leave, you know, but yet again, society might say, this is the room you’re supposed to be in. But you walk in and your energy does not connect. That’s your soul talking, not your body talking. So listen more to the knowing versus the thinking. So try to override that thinking mind because you know how people will say, well, that doesn’t make sense.

Well, in the mind, it may not make sense, but in the soul, it was right above your heart. So soul health at the very beginning of it is Taking a person to at least recognize that there is a soul within them and that they should be paying attention to that part of it. That’s beautiful. 

[00:17:14] Carolyn: And so we’re born with this essence.


[00:17:17] Pam: Yes. 

[00:17:18] Carolyn: We develop these protective mechanisms they start out trying to save us or protect us. And that becomes our personality structure, our ego. Yes. 

[00:17:27] Pam: Yes. 

[00:17:28] Carolyn: Now, let’s talk about what happens for some, or what happens when we go through life.

We go to school. I’m just going to suggest one pathway. We go to school in a variety of different formats to become qualified, to have a job. We have a job. We might decide to have children or not, but then we pursue hobbies. So what sort of happens through the years between the balance of our essence and our ego?

I think what happens is society was created to support the 3D fear based paradigm, and so no wrong or right, no judgment on that, even the caveman days, right? Where they had to survive. So they had to build a structure where they survived somewhere along the way ego started taking a bigger play power started taking a bigger play and then you come into it and you’re regardless of parents being, let’s say you had good parents.

[00:18:30] Pam: They were part of that paradigm that then. Subtly said you must marry the rich man versus the poor man that may not be able to build you a bigger house or provide better food for you. And again, that’s survival. And again, it’s subtle, right? Like when I talk to people, they’re like, Oh yeah, that’s yes.

That’s how I grew up thinking that. the more money we have, the more, the bigger house we had you know, the title we had made us better. And that’s the ego play. Not that those are bad things, but it you lose a huge amount of your soul because it’s really ego driven and physically driven.

Let’s say, Oh, how many times have you been to the gym today? Oh or this week? you know, you hear the, these comments all the time I lift, how many weights are you lifting? And that’s that saying to that person, the physical body, Oh, I can’t lift that amount of weight.

Oh, I don’t fit into this paradigm because my physical body may not be able to keep up with, let’s say the strongest person or man, right. Or a woman. but I have other things to give. And I can give it through my soul driven, but yet the old paradigm says, Oh no, this is where you give.

And if you’re not strong physically or mentally, let’s even say intelligence, right? Then you’re at the lower part of the spectrum. And that’s just not true. 

[00:20:05] Carolyn: so we’re living in this 3d world, which overvalues our physical body intelligence. Now you’ve mentioned this word 5d, 5d instance, and that would take us to a different way to see and experience each other so that we could actually connect at a soul level.

[00:20:26] Pam: Yes, correct. 

[00:20:28] Carolyn: Can you describe that? Because, you know, again, this might, this is likely going to be new for people and there’s a whole bit about energy and frequency and where we vibrate at and going into 5D, I’m guessing involves vibrating at higher 

[00:20:40] Pam: frequencies. Exactly. You know, to simplify it because I do talk to people about this and, you know, it is a new concept or word.

I mean, people do understand vibes and now people are talking energy and, you know, we should live through our energetic being. I think even Tim Cook from Apple said, you know, I live through my energy. I don’t live through time. I live through energy, right. I manage my energy. So it’s all a part of that.

But, In essence, the universe has an energy, right? And so it was vibrating and the normal person had access to the 5D, let’s say, survival energy. Now, let’s say those of us who’ve been on the spiritual path, and we know many of the gurus out there, you know, that have been doing this for a long time, whether you want to say Buddhas, monks, those types of people, they may have had access because they focus their entire life.

And came in to access higher levels of energy to bring it down. Well, now for the first time ever, we have access as a universe to the five D energy. Say more 

[00:21:44] Carolyn: about that. What 

[00:21:45] Pam: does that mean? That means a lighter vibration so even though you were living in tough times and there’s chaos abounding, right.

And if you believe in the different levels of energy and we can quantify them, and yes, I again, simplify it because 3D versus 5D is easy for people to grasp versus all the different layers, but literally 3D is more. And so it’s our physical world and I’m saying let’s live in our soul world, which is five D and it’s a love vibration.

And there’s more of that coming in. More people are living that way. The vibration is going that way. And so it’s lifting us all up the negative molecule. So if I were to say something negative. You know, oh, that’s, you know, not, that wasn’t a very good presentation to an employee.

Let’s say that negative comment would take 10 positives to outweigh that negative vibration that was sent. Yeah. So that’s how light the love versus fear vibration is. And that’s why it’s harder to, you know, to get to that love vibration and live through that every day. But if one of my words is live with intent, right?

Live with that focus, that intent and ask yourself every day, what am I doing? And particularly what am I doing for my soul? And let’s just get it into everyday language, right? People might say, hey, did you work out today? Or, hey, what did you do for your mental health today? Is anyone asking you what you did for your soul or your soul health today?

[00:23:25] Carolyn: Oh, that’s, thank you for that description. I think it makes it more tangible. 

I could go into the vibration, but I don’t know if this, you know, that’s a different conversation that the vibrations we all live within and I’m trying to simplify it so that we all can just start, right? And what I’m hearing you say is. There’s even though it’s chaotic and hard and we’re seeing horrible things and destructive things in our world, that there is a universal energy vibe that universal energy is going to allow us to have access and to perhaps a value.

Yes. Some of these things that we haven’t valued in the past to the same degree. When I see people, I see this on social media all the time, people write their to do list or share look at all the things that I’ve done.

And it’s meant to be celebratory and you’re doing all these things. I think of, well, what is your to be list today? How do you want to be? 

[00:24:26] Pam: Absolutely. 

[00:24:27] Carolyn: you’re saying, 

[00:24:28] Pam: right? Yes, that’s excellent. Instead of to do, it’s to be. And that does, just as you said, physical, mental, soul.

Right. I mean, we have to, and we’re forgetting the soul part because no one’s talked about it. We give it away to the religion, but the religion took it away from us way back when, right? Like you thought, Oh, that’s the spirit. That’s the soul. That’s part of religion. No, it’s a part of your being.

So if we could, the doing is just going to happen. 

It’s going to happen. Right. Going to happen. And we’re going to live in more joy because what, okay. So let’s say that my physical body was never athletic, but that’s just the way I was born. I’m just, you know, that’s just who I am.

but I always got picked last, for the teams back in grade school, and it kind of erodes your self confidence a little bit because their focus, I have other things to give. But yet I’m being singled out as, okay, I physically can’t be a part of this dynamic, if you will.

And then we praise that dynamic you know, Oh, she’s so good at this. And she won this award for the basketball team and not that there’s Anything wrong with accomplishing that? But why do we put so much emphasis on that? and we see it in the media all the time where these basketball stars or sports stars, they’re not nice people, but yet we’re giving them that higher mark versus I want the person, the main person on the street.

Who’s kind and nice. That to me is of more value, right? Are you living a soul driven life? Yes, your physical essence was put on this earth to be the Michael Jordans, right? I also shook his hand. So I’ve met Michael Jordan, not that I had a long conversation with him, but he, you know, he was very impressive.

Now, are you going to say to me, go ahead. Go be Michael Jordan. What if I wanted to do that? I physically couldn’t, you know, because of the way I was structured. But they’re not developing in the school system. that’s a whole nother conversation. You know, the soul and what each individual can bring, you know, oh, and it’s so important.

It’s so important and that’s why I start with the senses. So that’s why it’s quantum sense. It’s sense to soul. So we’re going to start living outside in, that does not mean materialistic. That means your senses, which were born with, which that’s how babies get to know their moms and the environment around them.

Let’s start with our senses and get to know our soul. Right. And at that level, 

[00:27:00] Carolyn: the whole neuroception. So I’ve become a big fan of polyvagal theory over the past year. Oh yes. Yeah. Does that, does that contribute to this 5d world that you’re referring to? Or does it, 

[00:27:13] Pam: It does, because again, you’re getting to know yourself at a deeper level and that has intelligence in it.

So that’s what we’re missing is those cellular. Nervous system has intelligence that we’ve been ignoring and that’s why it’s, let’s say that you’re in pain or let’s say that, you know, your organs aren’t functioning properly. It all goes back to your cellular DNA being and I. I feel I have another qualification to talk about this is because I am an identical twin, so I physically look like somebody like you, you would say, oh, they’re exactly the same.

But we’re so different because our souls are different. So even though our blood work comes out the same, physically, we look the same, mentally, you know, we’re basically the same, right? I mean, literally DNA is the same. And yet our soul is completely different. And so I finally realized, That’s why I was brought in as an identical twin.

And here, that’s why always people automatically compared us, right? Oh, you’re a bit taller. Oh, your face is rounder. Oh, you know, and again, none of this is meant to be. In an ill spirit, right? Because that’s just how our society works. 

We have started with, and I don’t know if you noticed this, babies being born. I’m, you know, the generations are all named, right? So the Z, we ended the alphabet. Z. It’s alpha. So alpha. Guess what happens next year? 2025 beta babies are already being born. Beta baby. So it’s the Greek alphabet we’re going to go through.

So I’ve seen as a Gen Z baby. And then I saw an alpha baby. When they were born out of the womb, completely different, different vibe, different energy, different vibe, different energy. I thought the Gen Z baby was, wow, she’s awake. She is ready to go. Right. And then the alpha baby was born.

I’m like, Oh my God. Wow. He’s taking it to the new level. So if you can see that, and you know, if parents could see that with their children, because you know how we’re saying, Oh, they’re so different. Yeah, they are. They’re programmed differently. They’re coming in with a higher vibration and they’re going to say none of this survival stuff.

We’re going to thrive. So again, it’s survive, thrive, fear, love, you know, thinking, knowing, and they’re going to live out of the love, thrive, and knowing. 

[00:29:52] Carolyn: So what’s happening in 2027? You referenced that. Yeah, 

[00:29:56] Pam: that I think, I guess. More people will be like our businesses will be thriving because more people will be awakened to that soul driven, love driven lifestyle, whether it’s the political structure that’s going to come into play, whether it’s some of the business structure, but there’s going to be a turning point at that time.

[00:30:22] Carolyn: it’s two and a half years away. So that’s what I hold on to. And I tell my friends, you know, even the, you know, not to get into the political, but you know, there’s a fear based political system, right? So I say okay, that’s okay.

[00:30:36] Pam: Don’t fret. I know it seems, just daunting. But let’s look at the future. And I know, I don’t think. Okay. I know the future is going to be better and we will be living in the love, soul based, world universe. And I may not be, able at 100 to you know, experience the whole thing, but I’m going to see it through.

I’m going to be part of that. And you’re going to be part of that. And I want to bring people along. To be part of that, wherever you’re at, right? Like wherever you’re at, because conditioning can be really strong, right? I mean, you know, it’s hard if you come from a family or a culture that has this certain condition.

And I’ve talked to people that say, okay, Pam. Okay, that’s fine, but I can’t digest that quite yet, right? And that’s okay. That’s okay You know We are working with people that are ready to digest that whether it’s baby steps or I have people taking the quantum leap I Do call it quantum sense because we’re going to be living in the quantum the energetic Lightness, the invisible, if you will, the space programs, it’s all coming together, I talk about what’s happening in the world today and it all is going towards this higher vibrating world.


[00:31:53] Carolyn: This is, I mean, it’s incredible that we can talk about this openly and I hope, I trust that our listeners are greeting it with curiosity and interest just to sort of round out the last segment of our conversation here is, you do this work and you have these programs for corporations, organizations, and you come from working with these people, Like leaders who have shaped and shifted our world in what can seem to be a very egoic way.

I’m curious how’s it going selling soul health to corporations? What is it that’s allowing them to open the door to this possibility? 

[00:32:38] Pam: You know, I will, be straightforward, honest. It’s harder than I thought it would be right. Because. They think soul. We can’t talk about that yet. That’s real.

they still sort of attach it to religion, but that’s why it has to be a culture that is open, as you said, built on curiosity, right? That they aren’t afraid. But in this climate where um, to be vetted. And maybe the person you’re talking to thinks it’s great, but then it goes down the line, that might be a little, I don’t want to say fluff, but there, there’s still some resistance is what I will say, but I’m not going to stop reaching out and.

Talking to certain people and I want to make it into the bigger corporations, right? The smaller corporations, you know, I can get go in and talk to smaller groups of people. I’m hoping to talk to larger groups of people, right? But that I found and again, this is really changed.

Even since I left corporate America, you know, they have their certain structure in the, you know, human services area. Yeah. And unless it’s like an individual, let’s say in the sales department that can use their own budget to, do a small program, then it’s not really getting to that corporate level, if you will, that I really want it to, but it’s departments.

what I would just like to state to round out our conversation is as we hear more people talking about this. I hope that it sparks something within each of us because I think more people believe or want to believe in this notion of 5D, of the sort of this quantum level, and the more we can talk about it, the more we can get curious about it, Yes, we can find a way out of the mess that we’re in right 


Absolutely. Absolutely. And that’s why I’m trying to get to leaders, right? Because they do have a responsibility to lead with a certain kind of Ethic and, you know, futuristic vision. Right? And what I do find corporations are struggling. You know, you have your baby boomers, your Gen X, your millennials, your Zs, they’re all working different, so there’s chaos within.

the workplace now because it’s different generations. And you know, I’m of the older generation, but I am, I was born, I say with curiosity and love, and I was blessed to have that in my family. You know, my dad is in his nineties and you would never know it. Like he’s reading on the iPad and interested in everything new that’s going on.

You know, I was blessed to be able to take some of that curiosity and always be open minded. And then I landed myself in Silicon Valley, which you have to be open minded, And you have to really ground and that’s why, you know, my ground program, it could take A year, you know, long program versus before we get to the elevate and then evolve because the evolving is at the cellular DNA level.

And I can go into that too. We’re talking the same language. We’re wanting to get to the same point. There’s so many different ways to get there, but we’ve got to change our language, our vocabulary, our, you know, way that we literally live out of and our soul and as you said, let’s then describe that.

What does that mean? So I put it in physical terms so then they can see the invisible, right? Your environment? And I start with your environment is so important. Okay. And the home environment is important. So I consult with people individually about their home environments and, you know, the colors and the textures and the sense and, you know, it’s just little things that you can tweak and you’re like, Oh, that does make a difference.

You know, we’re all getting to really live out of our sensory, you know, Bodies as well, right? 

[00:36:40] Carolyn: with all that neuroception and here’s polyvagal theory. Yeah. Yeah. Pam, I would love I’d love to hear more about your programs. And unfortunately, we won’t be able to do it on the show.

Okay. I think suffice to say, though, what I’d like to leave the listeners with is this is all science backed. I know there’s a natural resistance to go to. Oh, woo. Woo. But I want to leave that with everybody. Because I know we weren’t able to get into that side of it.

But Pam, any last sort of words of insight for the audience and where can everybody find out more about your programs? 

[00:37:16] Pam: Thank you so much for having me. This has been delightful and I can be found. I have a website the quantum sense. com. I’m also on LinkedIn and Instagram. So reach out.

I’m happy to talk with anyone. I love having these conversations and yeah, let’s all start to thrive through our soul being. It’s beautiful. 

[00:37:38] Carolyn: We’ll make sure we have all those links in the show notes. And before we let you go though, Pam, I’d love to ask you the three evolve questions. Are you up for that?

[00:37:48] Pam: I’m up for 

[00:37:49] Carolyn: All right. So the first question is about self awareness and I always find it’s helpful to hear everybody’s individual sort of experiences because we can always learn from each other. So is there like a short. Anecdote or experience you can share with the audience where your self awareness went from one level to a whole other level from 3D to 5D.

[00:38:09] Pam: I think that, given my experience in corporate America for 40 years, there’s not one experience, but multiple. Where I literally was living through the ego, right? And then when I walked away, almost instantaneously, sometimes if it was really intense through the ego and a negative situation, I’d be like, Oh.

That wasn’t good. I should have addressed it in this manner, right? So there were multiple situations where I would almost immediately walk away and say, I needed to address that at a higher level. Like I dressed it definitely no question from my ego. There’s too many to count probably.

[00:38:54] Carolyn: Yeah. But again, you can see just that awareness Of looking at something after it’s happened and observing yourself and sort of reflecting. 

[00:39:02] Pam: Yeah, absolutely and I think it builds you have to have multiple experiences like that. So that’s right. That’s what I say too is it’s a building. you can’t live, you know, immediately at the highest level every day, 24 7.

you want to come back and say, okay. 10 times in interactions. I was 9 times living at the higher vibration. I had 1 negative situation. it’s practice. It’s just like anything we practice, right? It really is. 

[00:39:31] Carolyn: Next question has to do with routines or rituals. That you turn to, to help keep you in, a calm state, a regulated state, a state that allows you to be in connection with others.

[00:39:44] Pam: Yeah, and that’s when I come home and I have to have a certain, I have sense. You know, smell sound is so important. So I haveyou know, the sound machines that have nature sounds. So every single day at the end of the day, I ground myself. And primarily the smell and the sound and then texture or touch is, you know, again, with your bedding and you’re, you know, cozy, coziness.

So those are very important to me. So I come back to my five senses and and that’s, you know, visually I have a home that is comforting. But if you don’t, that would be obviously one of them, but I really focus and say, Oh, this is soothing. The smell is soothing, it’s the end of a great day.

[00:40:36] Carolyn: You know what I did before we started our recording? I put on some essential oils on my wrist and behind my ears. And I’ve just recently started to use the sense of smell as a way to help me stay more grounded throughout the day. So I just think it’s ironic that you say that. 

[00:40:53] Pam: I love it. I do that too.

I have certain perfumes as well. And essential oils that, yes, I feel it’s very important. And again, that’s individual, right? That’s where the individual comes in. Let’s say lavender primarily is relaxing, but let’s say that isn’t a sense that really relaxes you. Maybe it’s bergamot, maybe it’s a different essence, you know, and they all have vibrations as well.

I have a whole program on Vibrational sense. Sense. 

[00:41:25] Carolyn: Cool. S C E N T S. Yes. Yes. Not yes. 

[00:41:31] Pam: Sense. 

[00:41:33] Carolyn: It does 

[00:41:33] Pam: get confusing. 

[00:41:34] Carolyn: Now, my last question has to do with co regulation predominantly through music. Because I find music sort of doesn’t need words to unite us necessarily. Absolutely.

Apparently. So do you have a song or a favorite genre of music that really gives you a feeling of being connected to something bigger than yourself? 

[00:41:51] Pam: Yes, it is. The 60s, 70s music when I was born and my mom would play, the carpenters and, the beach boys. For whatever reason, I feel connected obviously to my mom and to the world that I was brought into, though I don’t play it as often as I should, but I have a whole collection of records.

I want to start incorporating that into my daily routine of listening to, some of those records that I have of hers. the genre basically is the time of when, you know, the early sixties, seventies you know, 

[00:42:29] Carolyn: I remember when Karen Carpenter died, I was in a pet store buying a gerbil with my mom.

I was about eight or nine. It’s amazing that I remember that. 

[00:42:38] Pam: Yeah. 

[00:42:39] Carolyn: So anyway, I’m thinking of my favorite carpenter song and my favorite Beach Boy song as you say that. Yeah. Any one of those two that you wanna share your favorite song, 


[00:42:47] Pam: them all. 

I cannot think of a favorite song of either of those. I’ll tell you 

[00:42:50] Carolyn: my favorite is Top of the World by the Carpenters. I listened to it non stop as a kid, non stop. I would do carpenter concerts. And my favorite Beach Boys song is Wouldn’t It Be Nice.

[00:43:03] Pam: Yes. I love that. Yeah. Yeah. I like the Beatles too. My favorite is here comes the sun. Oh yeah. It’s all right. I love it. We could talk for days and I hope your listeners did enjoy our conversation. And again, I look forward to more. 

[00:43:22] Carolyn: Yeah. Thanks so much for coming on the show, Pam. Really appreciate it.

[00:43:26] Pam: Thank you for having me. I really had a nice time.

[00:43:30] Carolyn: Wow. That was quite a conversation with Pam. You know, we talked about some different concepts that you don’t necessarily hear in the workplace, soul health, energy vibrations.

For me, what I’m walking away with is a real sense of curiosity, a real sense of hope, This notion of having a three dimensional body. I mean, when Pam talked about the athlete who got accolades and she referred to basketball, I thought, Oh my gosh, that’s me.

Cause I did spend a lot of my early years my growing years as a child, as a youth, and even into my teens as being an athlete. And what I’m taking from this conversation is. There was so much more and I didn’t realize it. So this again, notion of 3d into 5d, it’s really got me thinking, got me wondering.

I really enjoyed the to be and to do conversation. And I think as I wrap up my comments here, I would just encourage you or invite you to think about how it is that you want to be each day. alongside of your to do list. So grateful that you’re tuning in. Please feel free to share this work, these episodes with your colleagues, your friends and families.

And if you could like and subscribe, we’d really appreciate that too. You can find out more about me and my work at and hey, maybe even join my weekly Newsletter evolve. Thanks again for tuning in. We’ll see you again soon.

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